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1.st Architektur FilmTage Zürich 2017

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1.st Architektur FilmTage Zürich 2017
Kino Stüssihof
Stüssihofstatt 13, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland

The first Architektur Filmtage Zürich will take place from 17. to 19. November 2017. More than 20 Films and short films from the world will be played in two cinema halls at Kino Stüssihof, Zürich. The goal of the film festival is to find out the relationship between films and architecture.

Here is the films programm:

17.th November.2017 (Friday) – Opening Night:

20:00 The Infinite Happiness
Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine, France, 2015, HD, Colourful, 85‘
(Filmsponsor: a4D Architekten AG)

+ A Tomb with a View:
Ryan J Noth, Brasil, 2014, Colourful, 7 ́

18.th November.2017 (Saturday) – Grand Hall:

13:00 Land of Many Palaces
Adam Smith and Song Ting, China, 2014, Farbe, 60‘

15:30 Francis Kéré, an Architect Between
Daniel Schwartz, 2016, Colourful, 19 ́

+25 BIS
la Bêka & Louise Lemoine, Frankreich, 2014, HD, Colourful, 46‘
(Filmsponsor: SIA Sektion Zürich)

17:30 The Human Scale
Andreas Dalsgaard, 2012, Colourful, 77 ́

20:00 London – the Modern Babylon
Julien Temple, 2015, UK, Colourful, 125 ́
(Filmsponsor: Felix Partner Architektur und Design)

18.th November.2017 (Saturday) – Small Hall:

14:00 Concrete Stories
Lorenz Findeisen, Europa, 2014, Colourful, 75‘

16:00 Staatenlos – Klaus Rozsa, Fotograf;
Erich Schmid, Schweiz, 2016, DCP, 96 ́ Moderator: Marcel Bächtiger
*After the film there will be a Film Q&A with Klaus Miklos Rozsa

18:00 Bulkland
Daniel Whelan, China, 2016, Colourful, 59 ́

+ By Way of Display
Karl-Heinz Klopf, Taiwan, 2013, Colourful, 37 ́

+ Bikini Words
Nils Clauss, S. Korea, 2016, Colourful, 6 ́

20:00 Unfinished Spaces
Alysa Nahmias, Benjamin Murray, Cuba, 2011, Colourful, 86 ́

19.th November.2017 (Sunday) – Grand Hall:

13:00 H2Omx
José Cohen, Lorenzo Hagerman, Mexico, 2014, Colourful, 88‘

15:30 Urban Tides
Simone Eleveld, Niederland, 2015, Colourful, 39 ́

+ London Afloat
Gloria Aura Bortolini, UK, 2015, Colourful, 30‘

+ You ll Soon Be Here
Fabio Petronilli, Portugal, 2016, Colourful, 38 ́

19:00 Concrete Love – The Böhm Family
Maurizius Staerkle-Drux, Deutschland, 2014, Colourful, 88 ́ Moderator: Marcel Bächtiger
*After the film there will be a Film Q&A with the director Maurizius Staerkle Drux.
(Filmsponsor: MÜLLER-STEINAG Gruppe)

19.th November.2017 (Sunday) – Small Hall:

14:00 Making Space – 5 Women Changing the Face of Architecture
Ultan Guilfoyle, USA, 2014, Colourful, 50‘
*After the film there will be a discuss about the role of women in architecture.

16:00 Flotel Europa
Vladimir Tomic, Dänemark, 2015, Colourful, 70 ́
*After the film we will have the gast: Architecture for Refugees Schweiz

18:00 The Novgorod Spaceship
Andrei Rozen, Russland, 2016, Colourful, 46 ́

Aurèle Ferrier, 2014, Colourful, 23 ́ Moderator: Marcel Bächtiger
*After the film there will be a Film Q&A with the director Auréle Ferrier.

Download the program in Germany here:


Buy the ticket pass here:


Buy the separate tickets here:


More about Architektur FilmTage Zürich:








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