Exhibition: Masahiro Kinoshita Exhibition – Optimized Architecture [KYOTO Design Lab]

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Masahiro Kinoshita Exhibition – Optimized Architecture
KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan

This exhibition presents six projects realized by Masahiro Kinoshita, the architect and assistant professor at Kyoto Institute of Technology. On display are the results of his pursuit of “Optimized Architecture” and graduation projects by three students from Kinoshita’s studio. Each of the nine projects had different given conditions, which determined their final appearance. We would like to convey to visitors how these conditions are enhanced into architecture and how architecture optimizes both internal and external environments.

By the time I started studying architecture at university, the bubble economy had already collapsed in Japan and architecture was no longer necessarily something that was received positively. However, I felt that it was precisely in such an adverse climate that architects have a role to play.
Whenever architecture is built, there are many given conditions. What is the purpose of the architecture? How much is the budget? By when does it need to be completed? What is the impact on the surrounding environment? Are there legal restrictions? How long is the estimated life of the building? What about cost-efficiency? and so on . Is it possible to create architecture that moves people without omitting these numerous given conditions but rather takes them into consideration?
“Optimized Architecture” is what I call the ideal form of architecture that responds to the above question, and which I aim to realize in my work.

——–Optimized Architecture refers to the entire or partial process of optimizing the space enclosed by architecture and its surrounding environment into the best possible environment for human activities. It also refers to architecture created by actions based on this concept. ——–
Masahiro Kinoshita

Masahiro Kinoshita
Assistant Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology
First Class Architect
1978 Born in Shiga, Japan, 2001 Graduated from department of architecture, Kyoto Institute of Technology, 2003 Completed the Master Course, Kyoto Institute of Technology, 2003 Coelacanth and Associates, 2005 Koizumi Atelier, 2007 Established KINO architects , 2014 Assistant Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology


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