Tag: France

Eva Jospin turns central fountain of the Louvre’s Cour Carrée into an architectural Panorama
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Displayed atop the central fountain of the Louvre’s Cour Carrée, Eva Jospin’s Panorama is designed as an architectural artwork in itself. Its external mirror-polished steel walls reflect the stony aspect of Paris and the façades of the Louvre palace. The public is invited to enter the structure to enjoy a 360° panorama that will plunge…
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Daniel Buren brings Frank Gehry’s Fondation Louis Vuitton into colorful sails
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Daniel Buren, “ The Observatory of Light” Work in situ “The transparency and quality of a colour projected by means of a coloured fliter, as I see it, make it much more alive than painted colour covering a surface” Daniel Buren In line with Fondation Louis Vuitton’s commitment to contemporary creation and encouragement of innovative…
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