Tags: kadawittfeldarchitektur

1 3834 0
Neue Direktion Köln
by kadawittfeldarchitektur
With the conversion of the former railway head office, Cologne‘s cityscape has received a new landmark. The new roof design has led to the recreation of the historic mansard roof as well as the generation of terraces with views of the Rhine River that are set between the metal bands surrounding the roof storeys and the set-back office facades.
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0 4813 0
Celtic Museum
by kadawittfeldarchitektur
A museum for Celtic art, in direct proximity to a historic burial mound.
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0 6124 0
Grimmwelt Kassel
by kadawittfeldarchitektur
Grimmwelt Kassel, a place of contrasts.
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0 6305 0
by kadawittfeldarchitektur
New build of a modern energy efficiency centre on the campus of Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach.
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1 5224 0
Archaeological Pavilion
by kadawittfeldarchitektur
Archaelogical Pavilion in Aachen, Germany by kadawittfeldarchitektur.
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