
Chibi Moku

Filmmaker, Photographer, Architectural Cinematographer
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Who is Chibi Moku? We are the darndest hard workin’ little cinematography duo in the world. One a cinematographer...the other a photographer. When people ask us if we like what we do, we tell them that we can’t even imagine a better job! We travel all over the world (and when in the US, out of our RV) capturing content for architects, interior designers, & out-of-the-box thinkin' property owners. We edit & live off the grid as sustainable as possible. Our love for our little company is only exceeded by our love for each other…so everything we do is done with passion! We believe architecture & design is rooted in child-like creativity. Why are so many architectural stories such snoozers or seem to scream "Look at us...we're so smart"? Lighten up ya'll...this is art. Smile, be wild, & speak from the heart! We don't throw around words like "award winning" or "luxury" or "exclusive". We are none of that. Just 2 crazy kids with cameras tellin' down-to-earth stories of architecture & design. Are we changin' the world?...probably not. But we tell the stories of those who are.
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