Tag: Exhibition

Exhibition: SOS Brutalism – Save the Concrete Monsters!
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SOS Brutalism - Save the Concrete Monsters! 03.05.2018-06.08.2018 Architekturzentrum Wien Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna, Austria Norbert Heltschl, Mariannhill boarding school, roof terrace with water basin, Landeck, Tyrol, 1964 Image: Architekturzentrum Wien, Collection, Friedrich Achleitner   Love it or hate it, the rediscovered Brutalist architecture leaves nobody cold. The exhibition presents international and outstanding Austrian examples…
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Exhibition: The Japanese House: Architecture and Life after 1945 [The National Museum of Modern Art]
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The Japanese House: Architecture and Life after 1945 19.07.2017-27.03.2018 The National Museum of Modern Art 3-1 Kitanomaru-koen, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8322, Japan This exhibition is a spectacular attempt to introduce 75 houses by 56 groups of Japanese architects through more than 400 materials including models, plans, photographs and videos. It is structured thematically rather than chronologically…
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Exhibition: Lina Bo Bardi: Togethe [Miami Center for Architecture & Design]
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Lina Bo Bardi: Together 13.05.2016-29.07.2016 Miami Center for Architecture & Design 100 NE 1st Ave, Miami, FL 33132, United States In the theatre, a stage comes to life when the actors begin to perform. So it is with Lina Bo Bardi’s architecture. Her buildings are vibrant when inhabited: they come to life with the energy,…
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