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I2-house[court house]

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Sato Masahiko

About Project

The I2-house is located in a crowded residential area in Nagasaki city. It measures 76.42 m², and two families live within it. Streets are located to the east and south of the house. On the eastern side is a two-floor house, and in the southern side is a two-floor shop stands opposite the road. The two other sides of the house are adjacent to existing homes. Roughly speaking, the environment of construction planning is not promising. In this environment, the protection of privacy, bringing nature light and wind inside and using the existing floor area optimally become the theme and concept of the designing. To realize these, four strategies are implemented. The first one is omitting the fence, which means more space can be used. Meanwhile, for the optimal space using, a 3-floors wooden house is brought into plan. Secondly, build a vertical connected light court from the second floor to the ground floor. This realize the assumption of bring nature light and wind inside, and privacy and safety also are ensured. Thirdly, use light-through and air-through material in the central balcony of second floor to make sure the light and air can reach the ground floor. Fourthly, arrange the rooms around light court. The wall near the light court side is brought into the vertical-slit-window designing in order to create better ventilated rooms. These designing fulfill those theme and concept we brought up. To create a fashion and simple visual sense from outside, the ground floor and the first floor are painted black and the second floor is white. Besides, the wall of the light court in the ground floor is used white color, which combines with the light coming out through the slit, gives out a feeling of warm and peace to people around. Location: Inasa city in Nagasaki District: Kyushu Use : Residence Site Area: 76.42 ㎡ Bldg Area: 52.60 ㎡ Gross Floor Area: 129.37 ㎡ Bldg Coverage Ratio: 68.83 % Gross Floor Ratio: 169.28 % Bldg scale: 3 stories above ground Structure : Wooden Max Height: 9.69 m Parking Lot: One car Exterior Finish: Siding Architecture : Masahiko Sato Complete year: September, 2014 Photographer: Ishii Norihisa


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