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Home for dependent elderly people and nursing home in Orbec

This care and retirement home has been built in the heart of the Normandy bocage near the village of Orbec. The building follows the sloping curve of the hillside, and is visible from the valley.
To reduce the visual impact of this imposing building, we felt it preferable to divide it up. We achieved the desired effect by using the colour green, with the result that the building both blends into the larger landscape and reflects the rural nature of the site. The under-faces of the overhangs and the white walls of the base produce a feeling of lightness.
Each of the living units fits into one section of the building, and all are connected to a south-facing street, backed by the hill. This arrangement gives views through the building from one side to the other, with light punctuating the traffic routes and achieving maximum variety. The colour red destructures the space and adds dynamic. We have avoided using the conventional colours of the hospital environment.
The building has been designed to enhance the living and walking areas. Its strength lies in its relationship with the landscape.
Project Information:

Client : EPMS Marie du Merle in Orbec

Architect : Dominique Coulon & associés
Dominique Coulon, Benjamin Rocchi
Architects assistants : David Romero-Uzeda, Olivier Nicollas, Chang Zhang, Javier Gigosos Ruipérez, Pedro Rodríguez Ruipérez, Ania Klukowski, Gautier Duthoit
Construction site supervision : Emilie Brichard, Jean Scherer

Engineers and consultants :
Structural Engineer : Batiserf Ingénierie
Mechanical Plumbing Engineer : BET G.Jost
Electrical Engineer : BET G.Jost
Cost Estimator : E3 économie
Acoustics : Euro sound project
Kitchen expert : Ecotral
Landscape : Bruno Kubler

Program : 115-room unit in Orbec, combining a home for dependent elderly people and a nursing home : 85-bed home for dependent elderly people / 30-bed nursing home / Day-centre providing specially adapted activities and treatment / Catering kitchen / Administrative offices / Treatment department

Address :  8 rue de la Source, 14290 Orbec, Calvados / Localisation GPS : 49.012285, 0.411406

Surface : 5833 sqm
Budget : 12 279 536 € H.T

Schedule :
Competition : September 2008
Plans and technical phases : from october 2008 to january 2012
Construction : from january 2012 to september 2015

Construction companies :
Earthworks (LANGEVIN TP), special foundations, poles (PIEUX OUEST), Structure + sewerage networks (GAGNERAUD Construction), road works (COLAS) water proofing roofing (SEO), exterior joinery (ACD ERNOULT), facades (DSA ATLANTIQUE), green areas (LEBLOIS ENVIRONNEMENT), metalworks (R2C), interior joinery (PERRIN), plastering (JOBIN PLÂTRE MODERNE), elevator (OTIS), glued floors (PATRIZIO), tiled floors (REVNOR), painting (DURAND), electricity (EIFFAGE ENERGIE), heating, ventilation, plombing and drainage (SANICHAUFFAGE), kitchen and frozen chamber (MBI).

Photography : ©Eugeni Pons, Photographer


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Dominique Coulon & associés

About Project

Care and retirement home for dependent elderly people with 115-beds unit in Orbec, France by Dominique Coulon & Associés.


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