Exhibition: Pier Luigi Nervi. Architecture for sport [MAXXI]

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Pier Luigi Nervi. Architecture for sport
MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo
Via Guido Reni 4A, 00196 Roma, Italy


The design and constructional philosophy of Pier Luigi Nervi in the works realised for the world of sport.

This exhibition features a host of drawings, photographs, documents and models from over 60 projects for sports facilities, much of drawn from the Nervi Archive in the MAXXI Architettura collections.
A unique opportunity to examine the development of the design and constructional methods of the engineer from the first works such as the Stadio Berta in Florence to the buildings for the 1960 Rome Olympics and through to the great international projects such as the Kuwait Sports Centre.
Three-dimensional graphic presentations and constructional models realised by La-Mo and LaMoViDA of the University of Bolognas enrich as section devoted to the projects for stadia in Italy and abroad.
Also on show is a special model in Plexiglas of the Palazzetto dello Sport made by two students from the ISIA, the Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche (Rome), Aureliano Capri and Elettra Renzi, revealing the system for distributing forces conceived by Nervi for the building. This model constitutes a central element in a series of guided visits devoted to Nervi’s work that also include a “tactile” route designed for blind and partially-sighted people. Realised in collaboration the Centro Regionale Sant’Alessio, the route involves a walk around the Palazzetto dello Sport introducing participants to the built structure and an exhibition visit facilitated by the model and tactile tables.

Cover Image: Pier Luigi Nervi e Marcello Piacentini, Palazzo dello Sport all’EUR a Roma (1955-59), Collezione MAXXI Architettura. Archivio Pier Luigi Nervi, Courtesy Fondazione MAXXI

Gallery Images:

01: Pier Luigi Nervi, Stadio Comunale Giovanni Berta, Firenze (1929-1932), Collezione MAXXI Architettura. Archivio Pier Luigi Nervi, Courtesy Fondazione MAXXI

02: Pier Luigi Nervi e Marcello Piacentini, Palazzo dello Sport all’EUR a Roma (1955-59), Collezione MAXXI Architettura. Archivio Pier Luigi Nervi, Courtesy Fondazione MAXXI

03: Pier Luigi Nervi e Annibale Vitellozzi, Palazzetto dello Sport a Roma (1956-57), Collezione MAXXI Architettura. Archivio Pier Luigi Nervi, Courtesy Fondazione MAXXI

04: Pier Luigi e Antonio Nervi, Stadio Flaminio a Roma (1956-59), Collezione MAXXI Architettura. Archivio Pier Luigi Nervi, Courtesy Fondazione MAXXI

05:Pier Luigi Nervi, con William and Tazewell&Associates, Sport Arena nel Cultural and Convention Center di Norfolk (USA) (1965-71) – prospettiva interna, Collezione MAXXI Architettura. Archivio Pier Luigi Nervi, Courtesy Fondazione MAXXI

06: Pier Luigi e Antonio Nervi, Stadio Flaminio a Roma (1956-59), Collezione MAXXI Architettura. Archivio Pier Luigi Nervi, Courtesy Fondazione MAXXI
07: Pier Luigi e Antonio Nervi, GoodHope Center, Cape Town, Sud Africa (1964-1980), joint-venture con lo studio Colyn&Mering, Collezione MAXXI Architettura. Archivio Pier Luigi Nervi, Courtesy Fondazione MAXXI

08, Pier Luigi e Antonio Nervi, Rupert Thompson Ice Arena Hockey Rink nel Dartmouth College, Hanover (USA) (1967-75), Collezione MAXXI Architettura. Archivio Pier Luigi Nervi, Courtesy Fondazione MAXXI


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